Check it out Hijackrr Pro Today
Here’s the truth – I own half a dozen different softwares or plugins that do pretty much the same thing. Or, rather I should say that they ATTEMPT to do the same thing, which is basically to let you place your ad or optin form ‘over’ another website.
The concept is pretty simple: you share the link to an article or even a product sales page that you think people will be interested in. When they follow your link, they will see your popup or optin form on the page first. Since they don’t know this is yours, they will assume that it is the website’s form, and take the appropriate action (which is, hopefully, buying your product or opting into your list).
The concept is great – imagine sharing a great article from CNN on Linkedin, with your ad on it! – but the technology in most cases is seriously flawed, as most of these products are using a technique called ‘iframing’ and many sites specifically prohibit this, so you could get in some serious hot water with it.
Hijackrr, however, uses HTML5 so this issue is completely done away with – and it’s a fraction of the cost of the others, too.
It is SOOO easy to use – it’s been a huge boost to our list building efforts and that has been a huge boost to our income 😉
It’s a WordPress plugin, so SUPER easy to install and set up (and I will be happy to help if you have any issues!)
It’s still around $25 for the unlimited Pro version – a total steal – AND it has a 30 day money back guarantee.