Seniors who are bored and tired of retirement often turn to starting a new business as a way to keep happy and busy. Unfortunately, startup costs of offline businesses can be astronomical and most seniors are afraid to sink their retirement income into a business that might fail.

That’s why more seniors are turning to online businesses to fill their time, make extra income, learn new things and make friends. Seniors have years of experience they can put into use in online marketing Β– for very little startup costs.

The only thing you need to begin an online business is a computer and Internet connection. There may also be some added costs for a domain and hosting, but they’re nominal and easily affordable.

It also helps to have a basic knowledge of computers and the ‘net, but if you have the determination to learn, it won’t take long to maneuver your way along the web. Starting an online business can be stimulating and enjoyable, keeping your brain active and sharp.

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